Sunday 21 October 2012

Halloween Party

Octorber 21, I took part in a halloween party in The South Village.  It was very very pleasently!
All participants disguised themselves, for example, a vampire, a ghost and a wolf man and took photos each other and ate confectionery.  Eyeballs and rainbow-colored pancakes were delicious!!  In addition, we ate rice balls cooked with mushrooms, sliced bamboo shoot, pies, roll of cabbage stuffed with minced meat and so on.  I'm tired but this party was a nice memory !


Sunday 14 October 2012


I like fragrances, so I have six perfumes.  My favourite one of them is 'rosy sky Happiness' was made in France and was imported from there.  It is aromatic and very sweet, so I will be able to use it only to be around thirty.  however, it's fragrance is elegant balances any other.  I will go shopping and look for a new perfume another time:)
I have used an aroma candle smalls rose once. It's scent is like roses arranged in a vase and fragrant. I want to try to orthodox aromatherapy.

Sunday 7 October 2012


This book is written about birds live on the island of Trinidad.  There are many colorful  and beautiful birds.  Roger Neckles who is a Ornithologist and photographer has been living on the island, where he heard bird call.  He studied hummingbird behavior and bird calls.  And then he found that hummingbirds live in unusual nests and are very good at making their nests.  They are really strong, so they won't fall down due to wind.  The birds of Trinidad live with nature well.  There may be a paradise for they.